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      I was a juvenile delinquent, in a good Family, a high school and college football star, dabbled in pro football and wrestling, drawn to drugs, alcohol, gangs, was stabbed, shot, 100’s of fights, 200 broken bones, 1000’s of stitches, 16 major operations (died twice). I have cradled my stomach & intestines in my hands for over an hour. I had 2 hit contracts placed on me. Robberies, B&E and car thefts, drug deals, suicide attempts, rode with biker clubs and survived fights, gun battles, knife fights, orgies, drugs, DUI’S, multiple vehicle accidents, overdoses, alcoholic addiction, and  jail terms.


Then Through a Miraculous Conversion,

        God gave me a Mission,

                           a Mission to help not to Hinder


    A mission that would take me to many parts of the world working with  the sick, addicted, poor and down trodden.  From Pennsylvania at Gospa Missions for evangelisation and help building an orphanage in Africa, to New York with a Pro Life group, being held as a suspect and harrassed for 2yrs by FBI  for the murder of an Abortion Doctor; to Texas helping establish a college, evangelizing door to door and studying for the priesthood; to Mexico, spending time with oprhans, to Siberia, Russia, Helping esablished a mission and helping to build the first Catholic Church there in 80 years; to the  Gang ridden east side slums of Buffalo NY and founding a house for Youngmen who were addicted, in gangs, in the court system or just  homeless;   to Maryland and  West Virginia for marriage  evangeling, prison ministry and many other church activities.


 SO! Come walk with me on my journey and see for yourself that there is always

Hope In The Darkness

You May Send orders for the Book or Contributions, Checks, Materials and other things to:


Br Tom Eades

Hope in the Darkness Project

127 North River Wilderness RD

Delray WV 26714

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