Hope in the darkness is what we are providing Individuals
So Help Us To Help Them
because their future
doesn’t have to be their past.
You May Send Checks for orders for the Book or Contributions, Materials and other things to:
Br Tom Eades
Hope in the Darkness Project
127 North River Wilderness RD
Delray WV 26714
Hope in the Darkness Project
Purchase Book
"Hope in the Darkness"
@ Amazon.com
More Ways To Help
Please, help us with any of the following Tax Deductible Donation towards the
Hope in the Darkness Project inc.
and you will receive the corresponding Free Gift
$15.00 Tax Deductible donation and you will receive
a free Hand Made Prayer Para-Cord (Rosary)
($13.00 value) the same as given to the imprisoned
$20.00 Tax Deductible donation and you will receive
a free "Hope in the Darkness"
book a ($16.00 value)
$30.00 Tax Deductible donation and you will receive
a free personalized signed
"Hope in the Darkness"
book to you.($25.00 value)
$60.00 and above Tax Deductible donation and you will receive a
free personalized signed
"Hope in the Darkness"
book and a free
Hand Made Prayer Para-Cord (Rosary)
($54.00 value)